

9月10日(日)のワークショップでは、Geoffrey G. Pinchbeck先生 (Carleton University) にご登壇いただくことになりました。

Title: Combining knowledge-based and corpus-based word list information in language pedagogy

Abstract: Corpus-based word lists are often used to provide information about the real-world usefulness of lexical forms for second-language learners. Knowledge-based word lists, in contrast, rank words according to what learners are likely to know or not know, which is germane to text readability estimation. A strategic approach to lexical pedagogy should select the most useful target forms that the learners don’t already know. This session will provide an introduction to and a practical workshop on 1) text-difficulty estimation using knowledge-based lists, and then 2) selection of lexical items from course texts for vocabulary pre-teaching and for subsequent explicit focus-on-form activities.

Biography: Geoffrey G. Pinchbeck completed Ph.D.s, in Education and Medical Biochemistry and is Associate Professor in the School of Linguistics and Language Studies at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. His research focuses on vocabulary and corpus-based approaches to language program curriculum design and materials development.